We are our biggest barrier to change and growth. We long for it, but the reasons why we "shouldn't" echo in our mind and hold us back. Here are 3 reasons why you should be the person you want to be.

1. You deserve to be your best
Regardless of what anyone has ever told you, you deserve to be your best. Don't get me wrong, being your best doesn't mean you'll never fail or that you're perfect. It means that each day you get up drink a tall glass of courage, self-love, gratitude, motivation and crush your goals. #crushyourgoals
The biggest barrier to any sort of change you'll face is negative self-talk. We often replay our biggest failures and fears. They're crippling thoughts. Start by bringing awareness to the chaos in your mind. When you have a negative thought pause what you're doing and correct the lies you're telling yourself. Positive affirmations can help if you find yourself deep in negativity. Thought awareness and intentionality is step one to any great change.
“Thought awareness and intentionality is step one to any great change.” ~ Melissa Allen, RN
Dream big! You can start from nowhere, but the key is to start. Start a healthier lifestyle. Eat whole foods. Feel energized. Workout. Pray. Be mindful. Give back to the world. Start the business. Heal your trauma. Flourish your finances. Start with small goals and grow from there. Accomplishing small goals builds confidence. You do you.
2. envy is ugly
Do you ever find yourself wishing you were doing something else? Look at the body builder, the blogger, the health fanatic, the interior designer, the investor and just wish you would have taken a different path? I surely have. As a Registered Nurse, I found myself envying the health coaches. The ones that cure with nature's medicine, God's given medicine. I envied not know enough about supplements, and how to heal the gut naturally. That envy stirred something inside of me, a sort of resentment towards my role in the healthcare system. Devaluing something of value is toxic. Don't get me wrong there is definitely a place for emergency medicine and specialty care, but there is a key element missing in our traditional system. That element is Functional Nutrition & Lifestyle Coaching. I felt like I was disappointing myself by not going after my goals. You don't have to live in a state of self-disappointment.
If you're ready to live out the change you've been longing for and are in need of a coach, you can learn more about my services at here. I'd be happy to walk along side you and support you as you become the person you've been longing to be. You're worth it.
3. Growth is contagious
Have you ever noticed that person that started their health kick and it made you uncomfortable. Maybe you were a bit jealous. That uncomfortable feeling is conviction. We get that stirring in our soul when we are moved to change. When you start to take control of your life - mind, body, and soul - you emit radiance. Joy and happiness. You set an example for the world that change is possible. That we CAN overcome our fears and negativity. Our choices have a ripple effect into the world. They are seen, heard, and felt by others. Be the light of the world. The positive vibration. The hope. The inspiration.
“Our choices have a ripple effect into the world. They are seen, heard, and felt by others. Be the light of the world. The hope. The inspiration.” ~ Melissa Allen, RN Divinity Nursing